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Shakti perspectives ft Dark liqua podcast (Romea and Jas) 

The Dark Liqua podcast is all about creating a safe space where we could have open conversations about anything, we found that after moving out from our parents' house and living in Melbourne we both lead busy lives and were constantly working or at events so even though we lived together we no longer just sat and had fun. We have always been close siblings so we didn’t want to lose that connection, we found since starting the podcast we reignited that connection as not only siblings but friends and by sharing our conversations we built a community of friends who liked to learn and laugh at our experiences. 


Romea: When I haven’t practiced self-care in a while I become a bit of a monster. I struggle with anxiety and depression so I am still learning techniques that work for me, I have found that burning incense especially the scent Nag Champa when I’m feeling anxious really calms me down mixed with tabla instrumentals when I’m studying. Taking baths when I’m overwhelmed has been an amazing way to relax after a stressful day but any kind of meditation helps, it sound cliché but it really has been a savior, another thing that helps when I’m feeling low is having a vision board to remind me every day why I work so hard at what I do especially when things aren’t working out. 
Jas: To take care of my mental health I like to go for walks to di -stress or cook some yummy meals and let go of technology for a period. For my self-care I usually like to put on some soothing music and complete my skincare routine at night before bed and once I am done I drink a nice herbal tea to relax my body and guarantee a good night's sleep. 

Romea: I struggle with depression and anxiety but when it comes to overcoming those feelings I find grounding myself and understanding what’s really important in this world is necessary, spending time with family and friends and doing something that brings me joy often helps me understand my purpose, along with my own self care rituals. 

Jas: Dealing with anxiety has been a struggle since high school. I have always been paranoid of every situation and always overthink things. I began to challenge these thoughts as I got older by reminding myself that whatever was happening was never actually as bad as I thought it would be and realizing it was all in my head 

When we came to Australia, Romea was only 2 years old and Jas was 5 so the only South Asian representation we remember is the constant sound of Bollywood movies and music that would play at home, now when we think back we’re really grateful that our parents understood the need for cultural representation in our lives because they didn’t want us to forget the culture we came from, we always celebrated Indian events and watched the latest Bollywood movies. Now we hope with the podcast and our personal vulnerability online we can help others connect and feel that we share similar experiences, we hope to create a safe space and community especially during this pandemic. 

Romea & Jas 
Dark Liqua 

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